Tuesday, November 3, 2009

flap jacks.

You know, one of the things I love most is eating breakfast for dinner. Lots of people hate the idea, but breakfast is the best meal and it's even better when you break the rules and eat it when you're not supposed to. My mom, my sister, and I, have this tradition where whenever my dad is working late, we make breakfast for dinner. Usually it's just pancakes and eggs but lately we've also been taking the belgian waffle/ matzo brei route.

I'm sorry this is such a random post. But tonight, my dad was home late so we had buckwheat pancakes and I realized how utterly happy it made me. Tucked away in our breakfast nook, laughing with my mom and sister, eating off mismatched plates with the smell of maple syrup hanging in the air. Small things.
Good night.


  1. wow, your flapjacks our totally different to what we know them as over here!

  2. they look like pancakes to me?
    I agree, so different! but still look tastyyyy

  3. I love this! I've always loved eating breakfast at random times. This all looks so yummy :)

  4. I love breakfast for dinner! pancakes and waffles especially...
    although cold cereal any time after 10pm ain't bad either :) xxx

  5. kikikiki
    I've tagged you in my bloggggg x
