Thursday, January 21, 2010

leyla and ben

I love The Selby, I love seeing how people interact with their homes. I think probably my favorite house that’s been featured there is the one of Leyla and Ben from heartsrevolution. I have it bookmarked and have looked at it so many times, but it never fails to make me feel really cheerful and creative. selby2 selby1


My future apartment will look like this- plain white walls, but lots of colorful decorations and trinkets around to liven things up. It must be a great inspiration for Ben & Leyla.selby4 selby5

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Also, I always feel inspired to paint a pink streak across my eyes whenever I see this. Hm. Wonder if we still have any face paint…


  1. How cute, Kiki! I shall check out Ben & Leyla's site later ... they seem to have an adorably quirky home! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is so cool! I hadn't seen this one so I'm so glad you posted it. I'm off to go do some browsing at The Selby.
    Have a beautiful weekend <3

  3. I'd imagine it'd be impossible to be unhappy in a room like that:)

  4. Oh wow, I feel happier just looking at those pictures! :) What a great and whimsical space!

  5. Haha I want a room like that, I love your idea of painting the walls white and just going mad with trinkets, I've just realsed how much I love the word trinkets, xxx

  6. Thanks for sharing this website! I really love the concept and especially the people you picked out. It's kind of the way I want my home to be in the future....filled with a lot of cool crazy stuff

  7. Ooooh, super cool.

    Can you imagine going in a room like that? There'd be so much to explore! I could never live in a super pristine and clean room. I love my clutter and trinkets!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. if i had that much money, i really would decorate my house like thIS! BUT im getting my room painted grey son in which im going to put lots of colorful pics on my wall, atm my walls are pink since i was like 7


  9. Wow their house is amazing ! So lovely and colorful , I want a house like that . My future house has to be like that ! Haha . Thanks for sharing ! Have a nice weekend :)

  10. that house is absolutely fanstatially inspirational. and i love face paint, it's such fun :)
