Thursday, January 28, 2010

like OMG samesiesssss

The other day I found the Swedish store Modekungen. And while I have no clue what any of the words on the site mean, it does have some rather awesome pieces. For example, I found these cardigans that fit exactly how I’m feeling right now.. shirts Do you ever have days where your attitude is just blahhhh so all you want to do is wear jeans and a sweatshirt and pull all your hair off your face and not worry about what other people think? I’ve been feeling like this for the past three days and I definitely hope it goes away soon. It’s almost Friday already though, hooray!


  1. hahaha these shirts are awesome! I want one really badly actually.

  2. I need one of these shirts, so me!

  3. I've been stuck in a tee-jeans slump as well. Those sweatshirts are super cute!
    Okay, so I'm officially a fan of your blog, as it's hilarious and uplifting! I also took a look at Operation Cupcake, which gave me the inspiration to do the same. Thanks for stopping by my blog- I really appreciate it!

  4. YesYesYes! I know exactly how you feel haha:)

  5. Droping by to say hi.. :) I have new post in section news..Read.. Thanks :)
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  6. Oh my goodness! I LOVE these. Perfect for days when girly fabrics seem to out of tune.
